04 September 2017

Nota Bil. 2

I have tried my best to ... to forget you. 

Istikharah ✔️
Opinions from family ✔️
Opinions from friends ✔️
What my heart and mind told me ✔️

Hanis Zalikha kata: Kita cinta dia dan orangnya susah nak sakitkan hati kita, terimalah sebagai suami. Takmolah hidup dengan orang yang menyakitkan hati. I really want that kind of person because I easily get annoyed with a few or manyyyyy people lolololol. 

Tapi, tau apa yang selalu akan confuse kan otak? Confuse bila istikharah dapat jawapan A, family said B+BCD, friends told you that you should do XYZ and your heart and mind still wants to win your ego hahaha vangang. So? So? So what should you do? Titew nak nanesss sobs sobs. Sampai satu tahap, what you can decide is goodbye guys, Im gonna be single forevahhh unless I got that guy then I will marry him and I will never let him leave mehhh and I will pamper him like he is my babyyy (like seriously?) and whatevahhh. Benda jadi senang kalau siapa yang kita nak tu datang and just say: "Hey, I want to wife you. Please be mine". OwEmJi. 

So ... Please come to me.